Hire a Medical Scribe at $11 $9/hr

*Limited time only

Premium Security & Compliance

Every step has been meticulously vetted for HIPAA compliance. All of our Live Medical Scribes have undergone HIPAA training and are also under the Philippine Data and Privacy Act of 2012. Absolutely nothing will be recorded and breached. Fully-signed Business Associate Contracts are also in place. 

Top-Quality, Specialized Talents

All of our Live Medical Scribes have medical backgrounds/careers as foundation. Most of them are Registered Nurses in the Philippines. Only after completing an intensive training will a virtual scribe be presented to practitioners. Feel free to help the scribes grow to fit your practice habits. 

Founded by Physicians for Physicians

Our founders laid out a vision to help get the healthcare system focus back to the patients. This is just the beginning of removing excessive work so the provider can focus on what is important – patients and quality of life.

Need More Info? No Worries!